
Archive for October, 2009

ana_house_finishedArtisans United for the Development of Atitlan (AUDA) is dedicated to the economic and social empowerment of cooperatives of indigenous women and children around Lake Atitlan, in the Guatemalan highlands.

Update for September 2009

In July 2009, we learned of an especially difficult situation of a woman named Ana in San Juan la Laguna, who was beaten by her husband, after which she and her four children were abandoned.  To make matters worse, the husband decided to sell the house, leaving them with nowhere to go.  Ana proves to be a loving woman both to her children, and to the Mayan Tzutujil women’s weaving cooperative called Ajbatz’Bal’ in San Juan, so we found it necessary to fundraise for a home and help her in these circumstances.

Fortunately, with the help of numerous donors around the world, we were able to raise $1,400 for the purchase of construction materials.  Bobby and Freida Cox made a generous contribution to realize the $2,000 budget for the house.  In early September, a house was constructed in only four days for Ana and her four kids.  A group of wonderful young adults from South Africa, on their mission trip with Global Challenge Expeditions, worked hard with sweat and love to complete the simple building on the 10’ x 30’ piece of land.  Ana’s new home has a new tin roof, one large room in the back, a toilet with underground septic tank, a simple shower, space for a washbasin and stove, and a room in the front which may be used for the products from Ajbatz’Bal’.

AUDA is connected with three women’s cooperative groups around the lake, and recognizes various issues that arise with their living conditions or the need for scholarship money to send the children to school.

After visiting the women of the cooperative Artesanas Tzaput in Choa Cruz, we learned there is a need for replacement roofs and stoves in several of the homes.

In El Tablon, the women have expressed their hopes for latrines and a larger room in which the women can create the crafts together.

Ways you can help:

To support the women and children of the villages in San Juan la Laguna, El Tablon, and Choa Cruz, please go to www.audaguatemala.org/donate.htm

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